The Very Good Best Friend

Writing about friendship

In about six weeks or so my first novel will be published. It’s called The Very Good Best Friend and it’s a punchy literary thriller about a woman who sets out on a journey to rescue her best friend from an abandoned, desolate mall in the countryside of British Columbia. At the heart of this story is a friend who will stop at nothing to help her best friend from being used for her labour and talents by a narcissistic billionaire. Along the way she uncovers haunting secrets about her own family traumas that will change her life forever. It’s set in a spooky abandoned mall in a dying ghost town.

It’s my first novel to be published, but it’s not my first attempt at writing one. In fact, there were multiple attempts before The Very Good Best Friend. Some I may come back to in different ways, but most will be left in drafts forever.

And that’s okay. Time practicing my craft is not wasted time.

Sometimes I’ll think of all the words, all the thoughts, all the creativity that went into those pages, and I’m blown away. Writing is a solitary act, at least for me. It’s one I do early in the morning while the rest of the house is asleep. It’s quiet and I feel happy to have devoted this time to my work once everyone wakes up and it’s time to get ready for the day.

There was something about The Very Good Best Friend that I couldn’t put to the side, even after many, many drafts. The gothic elements, the supernatural–that came after a few drafts were finished and once I learned to refine and focus the story I wanted to tell. What didn’t change from draft to draft was the friendship. Well, the friendship and the abandoned mall, which I’ll write more about later.

As I wrote, I reflected on friendship throughout our lives. It’s a gift to have close friends especially as we get older and deal with the daily needs of working, caring, and everything else. As the title suggests, The Very Good Best Friend is about one friend in a friendship. It’s about Carolyn, our protagonist, who isn’t ready to let her friend go. She knows something’s off about the commune-style mall she’s moving to, maybe even something sinister, but it’s more than that. She wants to stay connected even if it means she’s in physical and psychological danger. She is driven by something that scarred her long ago, something that needs redemption. I don’t want to reveal too much, so I’ll leave the specifics of the story there!

Writing about long-term friendship made me thinks about my friendships throughout life, both long and short, and about how much it can hurt to see a good friend go or how we often simply fade away from each other’s lives over time. There are ghosts in this book, but also the idea of being ghosted. It’s the poet in me, I can’t help it.

If we’re lucky, a bond between friends can run deep and parting can be bittersweet, but it’s the very best kind.

Writing Life

On Summer Writing Projects

I love spring and fall, but there is something about summer and, even, winter that urges me to dive into a writing project with earnestness. Maybe it has something to do with the extreme weather common to both these seasons now and July is looking like it will shape up to be a hot month in the Fraser Valley.

In June I submitted edited versions of manuscripts to the publishers of both my upcoming books. It felt good. Both projects took years to write and edit, and both projects were started in the summer. It could be the heat of the summer that inspires me or maybe it’s the fact that the year is half-way through that fills me with the urgency needed to commit to a project consistently.

This summer I am working through the first revision of a new novel project. I started writing the first draft the summer of 2022 thinking that I could have it finished by December 2022, but it ended up taking me until December 2023 with everything going on in my life.

And here I am in the summer of 2024 starting down the path of the first major revision. Instead of being disappointed by how long it has taken me, I’m choosing to see the time away from the work as being helpful. And while I have probably forgotten a few of the aspects I had planned to address in the first revision while I was writing it, that’s probably okay.

There is something both gratifying and overwhelming about approaching a second draft. I have one novel project that I didn’t pursue past the initial messy draft. When I look at the file on my computer, I marvel that I even completed a full draft of that story. I wrote it during my first maternity leave. And while it holds a special place in my heart, there is only so much time I can give to my writing so I need to be working on projects that I truly love. I liked the old book, but didn’t feel I had the energy to give it all the work it needed. It was good practice.

This new revision project, on the other hand, I hope I can get through it this summer. My first novel took eight drafts to get to the shape I was happy with. And there is always more to do on a project, but there comes a time when I need to let it go to make space for a new one.

How I Approach the Second Draft

In the first big revision, i.e. my second draft, I approach it the following way:

  • Take time away
  • Print out a copy
  • Read the copy first, taking notes on overarching themes and big plotholes but doing minimal page edits
  • Do a ruthless hardcopy edit (i.e. strike A LOT out)
  • Translate the edits to a new document and generate new writing

Then take another break and maybe start on something else, like an outline for my next project.

I’m curious to see how many edits it will take me this time…

The Very Good Best Friend

Pursuing Complication

The ideas that served as the foundation for my first novel came to me in glimpses. It started with glimpse of something that intrigued me, something I wouldn’t forget, and then later a glimpse of something else would haunt me. Sometimes they were actions. Sometimes traits. Other times I saw a place. Suddenly I had layers. Layers I could hold on to and complicate. Over time I found myself thinking about these images and feelings and places and about how they connected, if at all. Soon I thought I had an idea for a novel, and it turns out I did.

If only it was so simple and romantic. Daydreamer starts thinking more detailed about her regular daydreams, opens laptop and out comes a story in short hour-long writing sprints. This was not how it went for me.

Writers often talk about how to get that first draft of a novel. The idea being that if an aspiring writer can concentrate enough to get all the words on paper then the hard part is done. While I agree that getting the first draft on paper takes dedication, the subsequent drafts are even harder. Writing is about making decisions. Each draft is about validating those decisions or reworking those decisions into something different. For The Very Good Best Friend, I wrote at least eight full drafts and that doesn’t include the substantive editing process happening now with my publisher, Now or Never Publishing.

When I think about the state of my first draft and what the story has become over the last four years, well, it’s completely different. Interestingly, those foundational glimpses I first experienced that inspired me to tell this story and then used to layer my initial ideas together are all still there, but I needed to make them sharper. I wrote, rewrote, cut, and wrote, rewrote, and cut so many chapters that the small book has a million ghosts embedded in it.

Writing the first draft, even with the help of a high-level outline, felt like walking down into a dark, cluttered basement with only the dim light of my phone to illuminate where I was. I couldn’t see beyond my nose. I wasn’t sure if what I was seeing was actually what I thought I was seeing. Everything was hazy, nothing fully formed or looking right. This is all to say I had no idea what the heck I was doing and why on earth I had attempted to do something that. Write a novel? Me?

Regardless of how challenging it was, I gave myself the permission to pursue it, despite how complicated and exhilerating the process was. I feel good about that.

My Writing Takeaways

I’ve been thinking about the process I went through and thought I’d share a few takeaways I will remember as I approach future projects. Here they are:

  • Make an outline: I know there are brilliant people out there who can “pants” it, but I am not that way. The direction is helpful even if I end up changing it down the line.
  • Set word count goals: Mine are always a little ambitious for the time I have, but it gives me something to strive for and keeps me on track. And when I do hit the goal, which is more often than not, it feels great.
  • Give yourself a break: As noted above, I like to have writing goals, but I found that when I really didn’t have the energy to write, I still urged myself to do it. This resulted in writing that was mostly entirely chopped. If only I had used that time better! Listen to your body.
  • When the draft is done, put it away: This is a common tip from established writers, but one that can feel ambiguous when you’re just starting out. How much time? I’d say at LEAST a month or two after each draft, if you can. This allows you to come back to your work as a reader and not the person who just spent every free moment they had trying to tell the story. Giving myself time away was invaluable when it came from the editing process.
Motherhood The Very Good Best Friend

Living for A Dream

Ahead of Mothers Day, I’ve been thinking about what it takes to be a caregiver and writer, not to mention a worker and all the other roles we assume over our lifetimes. There’s always lots of talk about the sacrifices that women make when they work and parent. There’s the never ending load of attempting to make the seemingly impossible possible. I understand this and I live this.

It’s a whole other level when it comes to being a parent and a creative person because for most people the time to pursue creative projects takes place outside of regular work hours and when you are a parent those outside of regular work hours are reserved for time with family, who you love more than anything. So when do you get time to dedicate to your passions? To your dreams? The math doesn’t add up favourably for anyone.

Galley proof for The Very Good Best Friend forthcoming from Now or Never Publishing in March 2025.

This month I have been proofreading the galley of my first novel, The Very Good Best Friend. I started writing it in August 2020, when I suppose a lot of people began writing their “one day” novels because it felt like it was now or never, the world showed us how fast it could change. Seven complete rewrites and several years later, and I’m here, now, with a book that will be printed and in the world next spring. I’m proud of myself for pursuing my dream, but it wasn’t easy. I’m also charmed by the fact that Now or Never Publishing were the folks who took it on!

There were definitely days where I wondered if working on a novel was worth the sacrifice of time. Since it’s not published yet, I guess I don’t know! My hope, as any writer’s hope is when they create something, is that I’ll find readers who will resonate with the themes of the book. More on those themes later.

An odd thing happens when pursuing a dream and then achieving it. I have an urge to do it all over again. For people who need to write, who love to read, who want to be in worlds of words, the process never ends. I don’t think it means the struggle of how to manage and spend time gets any easier. Who knows, maybe one day.